
Company Info. VINCENT MOTORS, established from 1980 The most respectable automobile trading company in Hong Kong What you can only get is the valuable automobiles in good price plus satisfactory serv

提供上門化妝及髮型設計服務包括: 新娘化妝(全日$4200~包頭飾及伴娘化妝)/(早,晚到尾$3200~包頭飾及伴娘化妝)/(早晚1妝1頭$1800~包頭飾) 新娘試妝費$300(如落訂可扣回) 姊妹團化妝 奶奶及媽咪化妝 宴會化妝 萬聖節化妝 (以上化妝服務包假眼捷毛) 每位$200 (如早上7:00前到達,車費另計) *如果有興趣可直接聯絡我*
N美容 / 化妝Nicole Li

Henna, Senna, 海靈草, 上門, 染髮

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A美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Advanced Hair Studio

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HAIR BRAIDING & SETTING ☆ cornrows, milkmaids, and any other specific styles upon customer's requests. currently based in HONG KONG. interested? bookings @: email: [email protected] phone: 8529

本髮廊於旺角快富街MTR(A2)開業己4年,一向服務己客為先,1200餘尺,地方闊大舒服.......洗剪吹。。59.。染色150起全包。。電髮150起。。負離子直髮200起。。。多年經驗。。。。。hair cut... 59...color150...ion strianght...200.....perm...200....treatment..80....monkok,,MTR(A2)..

面 部 療 程 ‧皇牌暗瘡療程 ‧人手淋巴療程 ‧甘菊抗敏療程 ‧深層清潔水磨肌 ‧日本磁叉瘦面 ‧無針破壁儀 ‧經絡去眼紋、眼袋 身 體 療 程 ‧淋巴推油 45mins ‧熱石按摩 30mins ‧溫炙養生 30mins ‧磁叉排酸 30mins ‧五行經絡肚 30mins ‧富貴包療程 30mins
I美容 / 美容優惠In Beauty

雙人房房型: $7,600起 Room type: Double Room En-suite $7,600up Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式雙人套房 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 *** 接受長短合租至少一個月 ***
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.
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